Custom intro/outro newsletter addition

Your Content, Truevail Beautiful

Keep your clients updated with your unique perspective through a complimentary custom introduction/outro section added to your monthly newsletter. Submit up to 4 paragraphs and up to 5 images and let Truevail handle the rest. Update your clients about your recent travels, upcoming events, special deals or anything else.  Before submitting your Custom Intro or Outro content, please review our guidelines and restrictions below .

Have More to Share? - A La Carte Newsletter
For our members that want to send one-off Custom Newsletters or Additional Custom articlesplease visit our A La Carte Custom Newsletter Submission Form. 

Submission Requirements, Restrictions and Deadlines
Your custom written content is your own, Truevail does not edit your content in any way and is not responsible for misspellings, grammatical errors, etc. Please be sure to run your article text through a word processor before submission or utilize our add-on services. Please allow 3-5 business days after submission to receive a preview of your edits. If you require immediate setup and scheduling of your newsletter, please contact Truevail Support.

Add-on Services
Research, Copywriting, Photo Curation, and Editing Services: $75/hr
To utilize these add-on services please contact Truevail Support.

Need Help?
Have any questions or need help? Contact Truevail Support.

Custom Intro/Outro Section Submission Form 

Please select which Newsletter you would like to add your custom intro/outro to.
Please select which month you want to include your Custom Intro/Outro.
Please select whether you are adding an Intro or an Outro.


Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Photo must be a minimum of 1200 pixels wide. We recommend using images of travel destinations as opposed to conceptual imagery, e.g. for an article about "Best Times to Travel" an image of Maui would be preferred over an image of a clock. Truevail may source a different image if it does not meet our guidelines for high-quality professional imagery. Max file size 10mb, accepts .jpg, .gif, and .png files.
A short sentence that describes in more detail what the article is about.
Full article text.
A short sentence or two that closes the article and/or engages them to think about contacting you for a future trip. Example: "Love learning about new places? Me too! What’s on your list for 2021?"
Text for your call to action button. Example: "Let's Talk About It"
Email Address, Website Link, or Phone Number

Join Truevail and transform your marketing from time-consuming to time-celebrating. Let’s inspire together.